Your Online English Bookstore in Israel

Showing 145 - 156 of 1106 of

Free Judaism & Religion in Israel

13.00 NIS

Yaakov Malkin Reprinted from the journal Free Judaism, the voice of Secular Humanistic Judaism in Israel, this volume has collected several important essays from contributors including Israeli Supreme Court Justice...

The Modern Jewish Girl's Guide to Guilt

23.00 NIS

Edited by Ruth Andrew Ellison A hilarious and provocative collection of original essays by some of today’s top Jewish women writers—including Aimee Bender, Daphne Merkin, and Rebecca Walker—exploring all the...


30.00 NIS

Simone Zelitch Simone Zelitch has created an amazing alternate history in Judenstaat. On April 4th, 1948 the sovereign state of Judenstaat was created in the territory of Saxony, bordering Germany, Poland,...

Hanukkah at Monica's

0.00 NIS

NOTE: Only ONE free book is allowed per order. Varda Livney Everyone loves Hanukkah, the eight-day Jewish festival of lights – and no one loves Hanukkah more than Monica! That’s...

Jewish Holidays and Festivals

14.00 NIS

Dr Isidor Margolis and Rabbi Sidney L Markowitz Here, in simple language, are the stories, practices, and prayers of the Jewish holidays. Included are accounts of the Sabbath, Sukkoth, and...

Adam and Eve

7.00 NIS

Family Time Bible Stories Retells the biblical story of Adam and Eve, who lived happily in a beautiful garden until they disobeyed God June 1, 1999 by Time Life Education...

Baby Name Personality Book

12.00 NIS

Bruce Lansky and Barry Sinrod Lists 1,400 popular names and the attributes, images, and stereotypes most commonly associated with those names, based on a survey conducted by a marketing research...

Who Stole My Religion?: Revitalizing Judaism and Applying Jewish Values to Help Heal Our Imperiled Planet

28.00 NIS

Richard H Scharwtz Who Stole My Religion? is a wake up call to Jews to apply Judaism’s powerful teachings on justice, peace, compassion, kindness, and environmental sustainability to help shift our...

Dear Kallah

23.00 NIS

Malka Kaganoff Preparing for married life is the most important thing a bride can do, but this entails far more than learning how to cook and run a household. The...

Modesty: An Adornment for Life

48.00 NIS

Rabbi Pesach Eliyahu Falk A clear and comprehensive delineation of the laws of modesty as outlined in Jewish law. This new bestseller provides insights and practical advice on all aspects...

A Certain People: American Jews and Their Lives Today

20.00 NIS

Charles E Silberman Examines the American Jewish community and argues that American society is open to Jews as never before and they are not threatened by anti-Semitism or assimilation, but...

Laws and Customs of the High Holidays

13.00 NIS

Rabbi Daniel Goldberg Rabbi Shmuel Hurwitz January 1, 1995 by Empire Press
Showing 145 - 0 of 1106 result
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