Your Online English Bookstore in Israel

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Grandfather's Dance (Sarah, Plain and Tall #5)

28.00 NIS

Patricia MacLachlan Could anything be more perfect than a prairie wedding? Cassie doesn't think so, for a wedding Two lovebirds together,Aunts from faraway Maine,A long white dress with a wedding...

Booky: A Trilogy (Booky #1-3 Omnibus)

24.00 NIS

Bernice Thurman Hunter Beatrice Thomson doesn't mind her funny nickname. It makes her feel special, which is important when you're the middle child: not the smartest, or the best-looking, or...

The Awesome Egyptians (Horrible Histories)

13.00 NIS

Terry Deary History with the nasty bits left in. Awful information about phabulous Pharoahs, mean mummies, revolting recipes for 3000 year old sweets, and more. History has never been so...

Elizabeth I: Red Rose of the House of Tudor, England, 1544

30.00 NIS

Kathryn Lasky As a new edition to The Royal Diaries series, this factual tale offers young readers an insight to the life and times of this famous royal prior to...

The Thieves of Ostia (The Roman Mysteries #1)

26.00 NIS

Caroline Lawrence The first in Caroline Lawrence's internationally bestselling Roman Mysteries series, re-issued with a fantastic new cover look.Flavia Gemina is a natural at solving mysteries. The daughter of a...

The Dolphins of Laurentum (The Roman Mysteries #5)

26.00 NIS

Caroline Lawrence It's October AD 79. The arrival of a ragged man at the Geminus household sets in motion a series of events which take Flavia and her three friends...

The Gladiators from Capua (The Roman Mysteries #8)

26.00 NIS

Caroline Lawrence March AD 80. In Rome, the Emperor Titus has announced that there will be a hundred days of games to open his new amphitheatre (now known as the...

The Beggar of Volubilis (The Roman Mysteries #14)

26.00 NIS

Caroline Lawrence Flavia and her friends are on a quest for the Emperor Titus - to steal a valuable gemstone known as 'Nero's Eye'. The Delphic Oracle prophesied that whoever...

The Slave-Girl from Jerusalem (The Roman Mysteries #13)

26.00 NIS

Caroline Lawrence This exciting adventure gives fascinating insight into the workings of the Roman legal system in a page-turning court room drama. As always, Caroline Lawrence springs new surprises for...

The Charioteer of Delphi (The Roman Mysteries #12)

26.00 NIS

Caroline Lawrence September AD 80. Flavia and her friends go to Rome to celebrate the Festival of Jupiter at Senator Cornix's town house. When a famous racehorse goes missing, Nubia...

The Sirens of Surrentum (The Roman Mysteries #11)

26.00 NIS

Caroline Lawrence Mystery and adventure for four young detectives in Ancient Roman times...It's summer in the Bay of Naples - time for fun and relaxation. Everyone is thinking about love...

The Scribes from Alexandria (The Roman Mysteries #15)

26.00 NIS

Caroline Lawrence A desperate quest begins in the port of site of the great lighthouse, the famous Library, and the tomb of Alexander the Great.Codes, riddles, anagrams and hieroglyphics lead...
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