Your Online English Bookstore in Israel

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House of Glass: The Story and Secrets of a Twentieth-Century Jewish Family

30.00 NIS

Author: Hadley Freeman A writer investigates her family’s secret history, uncovering a story that spans a century, two World Wars, and three generations.Hadley Freeman knew her grandmother Sara lived in...

A Gadol In Our Time: Stories about Rav Aharon Leib Shteinman

59.00 NIS

Libby Lazewnik He was called "the new Chafetz Chaim" when he was only twelve years old! The only place he ever wants to go for "vacation" is... the beis medrash!...

The Persecution

22.00 NIS

Chaim Eilav First published January 1, 1997 Artscroll    

Two Scholars Who Were in Our Town and Other Novellas

28.00 NIS

SY Agnon New and Revised Translations from the Hebrew Including the Novellas Two Scholars Who Were in Our Town · In the Heart of the Seas · In the Prime...

Mr Mani

31.00 NIS

AB Yehoshua Six generations of the Sephardi Mani family are chronicled in this profound and passionate Mediterranean epic, which moves backwards from the 1980s to the mid-nineteenth century. The story...

Letters of Faith

29.00 NIS

Rabbi Manuel Laderman January 1, 1991 by Hebrew Educational Alliance Rabbi Manuel Laderman Memorial Fund

Dinner at the Center of the Earth

29.00 NIS

Nathan Englander Pulitzer finalist Nathan Englander weaves a suspenseful portrait of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and dramatizes the immense moral ambiguities haunting both sides. The story pivots on the complex relationship...

The Coffee Trader

28.00 NIS

David Liss Amsterdam in the 1690s - a boom town with Europe's biggest stock exchange and traders who will stop at nothing to get even richer. Lienzo, a Portugese Jew,...

In the Courtyard of the Kabbalist

31.00 NIS

Ruchama King Feuerman National Jewish Book Award Finalist“A sophisticated and engaging” novel set in contemporary Jerusalem “that treats an endlessly tangled topic—relations between Palestinian Arabs and Jews—with intelligence and originality,”...
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