Your Online English Bookstore in Israel

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The Scarlet Thread

32.00 NIS

Rivka Feigenbaum DeutschThe amazing true story of one family's steadfast faither and their rescue from the conflagration in Poland
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They Called Me Frau Anna

33.00 NIS

Chana Marcus Banet
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The Genesis of Ethics

12.00 NIS

Burton L VisotzkyBurton L. Visotzky, one of America's most respected scholars of religion, guides readers through a close reading of the narratives of the Book of Genesis, exposing their brutal...

In the Shade of the Trees, In the Shadow of the Flames

12.00 NIS

Chayim PerlChayim Israel Perl was born in 1925 in the little town of Visho and at the age of four moved to the village of Schiff in Maramures County in...
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The Jew in the Modern World: A Documentary History

32.00 NIS

Paul R. R. Mendes-Flohr and Jehuda ReinharzThe last two centuries have witnessed a radical transformation of Jewish life. Marked by such profound events as the Holocaust and the establishment of...
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Open Minded Torah: Of Irony, Fundamentalism and Love

32.00 NIS

William Kolbrener"When a great and capacious mind, blessed with sensibility and sensitivity, engages in conversation with the timeless texts of Torah, the result is both enlightening and enthralling. That is...
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Jagendorf's Foundry: Memoir of the Romanian Holocaust, 1941-1944

24.00 NIS

Siegfried Jagendorf"Let us take advantage of this historic moment and cleanse the soil of Romania ..." These words began the Romanian Holocaust in 1941. Deported Jews were expected to perish....

The Temple Bombing

21.00 NIS

Melissa Fay GreeneOn October 12, 1958, the Reform Jewish synagogue in Atlanta exploded when 50 sticks of dynamite detonated: a key moment in Civil Rights history. This volume looks back...


23.00 NIS

Leon Uris   In Queen’s Bench Courtroom Number Seven, famous author Abraham Cady stands trial. In his book The Holocaust—born of the terrible revelation that the Jadwiga Concentration Camp was...
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The Gospel According to The Jews

26.00 NIS

José FaurAt the end of the Foreword to his Jesus as Others Saw Him, Joseph Jacobs (1854-1916) made the essential point that, "It is only by knowing exactly where we...
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Studies in Shemot Exodus

28.00 NIS

Nehama LeibowitzNehama Leibowitz brings fresh insight into the Bible (Torah). The material for her books come from her years of lectures in Israel. Now you can benefit from her vast...
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The Kosher Palette II: Coming Home: The Art and Simplicity of Kosher Cooking

19.00 NIS

Joseph Kushner Hebrew AcademyRejoicing in the joining of family, food and comforts of home. Generations blend as memories rooted in the past combine with the fresh and flavorful textures of...
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