Your Online English Bookstore in Israel

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The Bamboo Cradle - Scholastic Edition

12.00 NIS

Avraham Schwartzbaum   Adopting a Chinese baby leads an American professor and his wife to the discovery of their own Jewish heritage. An absorbing, true story to read and re-read.
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The Wandering Jew Has Arrived

26.00 NIS

Albert Londres In 1929 Albert Londres, a non-Jew and renowned journalist, set out to document the lives of Jews at this time. His travels to England, Eastern Europe and finally...
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Jewish Americans

23.00 NIS

Robert Stein They escaped from oppression and poverty in Russia, Poland, Germany, and many other parts of Europe, and settled mainly in America's large cities. With Jewish immigration to America...
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As Golems Go

23.00 NIS

Benjamin Kuras Stories of Rabbi Judah Loew ben Betzalel, named Marahal and his miracles. January 1, 2000 by Baronet a Elk
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Becoming Like God: Kabbalah and Our Ultimate Destiny

35.00 NIS

Michael Berg Becoming Like God offers a kabbalistic approach for becoming all powerful. Written with extraordinary clarity, Michael Berg presents a logical method to achieving our supreme birthright. In revealing...
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My Rock and My Redeemer: A Novel of Biralter

23.00 NIS

Lena Spitzer Original title: A Sun and a Shield: The Chassidic Dynasty of Dej
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Monsey Kiryat sefer and beyond

23.00 NIS

Zev Roth A mezuzah unmasks a crook in Rio de Janeiro. A rabbi's berachah goes a long way in Vietnam. A Jew grows up in Ramallah, and an Italian drill...
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The Knowing Heart

26.00 NIS

Moshe Chaim Luzzatto The true meaning of man's creation in the Divine Image. Vowelized Hebrew text with facing English. January 1, 2003 by Feldheim Pub
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The Wicked Son: Anti-Semitism, Self-Hatred, and the Jews

26.00 NIS

David Mamet Part of the Jewish Encounter seriesAs might be expected from this fiercely provocative writer, David Mamet’s interest in anti-Semitism is not limited to the modern face of an...
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Hide and Seek: Jewish Women and Hair Covering

26.00 NIS

Edited by Lynne Schreiber The traditional Jewish community has long been silent on the very personal yet also public matter of married women covering their hair with hats, scarves, and...
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