The Modern Detective: How Corporate Intelligence is Reshaping the World
28.00 NIS
Tyler Maroney As a private investigator, Tyler Maroney has traveled the globe, overseeing sensitive investigations and untying complicated cases for a wide array of clients. In his new book, he...
The Road Back to You: An Enneagram Journey to Self-Discovery
26.00 NIS
Ian Morgan Cron and Suzanne Stabile Ignorance is bliss except in self-awareness...What you don't know about yourself can hurt you and your relationships―and even keep you in the shallows with...
Farmageddon: The True Cost of Cheap Meat
30.00 NIS
Farmageddon: The True Cost of Cheap Meat
30.00 NIS
Philip Lymbery with Isabel Oakeshott Farm animals have been disappearing from our fields as the production of food has become a global industry. We no longer know for certain what...
The Liveliest Art: A Panoramic History of the Movies
19.00 NIS
Arthur Knight Arthur Knight (1916—1991) was a movie critic, film historian, professor and TV host. His book The Liveliest Art, first published in 1957, is a history of the cinema...
Factory Girls: Voices from the Heart of Modern China
28.00 NIS
Leslie T Chang An eye-opening and previously untold story, Factory Girls is the first look into the everyday lives of the migrant factory population in China.China has 130 million migrant...
Everything and More: A Compact History of Infinity
24.00 NIS
David Foster Wallace One of the outstanding voices of his generation, David Foster Wallace has won a large and devoted following for the intellectual ambition and bravura style of his...
The Age of Caesar: Five Roman Lives
24.00 NIS
The Age of Caesar: Five Roman Lives
24.00 NIS
Plutarch “Plutarch regularly shows that great leaders transcend their own purely material interests and petty, personal vanities. Noble ideals actually do matter, in government as in life.” ―Michael Dirda, Washington...
The Big Book of Birth
22.00 NIS
The Big Book of Birth
22.00 NIS
Erica Lyon Childbirth is one of the most significant events of any woman's life--and for many, also a source of enormous anxiety and fear. In The Big Book of Birth renowned childbirth...
Escape from Freedom
23.00 NIS
Escape from Freedom
23.00 NIS
Erich Fromm If humanity cannot live with the dangers and responsibilities inherent in freedom, it will probably turn to authoritarianism. This is the central idea of Escape from Freedom, a landmark...
The New High Protein Diet: How to Lose Fat the Quicker, Safer, Easier, Low-Carb Way-And Never Go Hungry
23.00 NIS
Charles Clark Follow the medically-based but amazingly accessible "New High Protein Diet" and you will soon program your body to burn fat without ever having to go hungry. It's low...
The Everything Store: Jeff Bezos and the Age of Amazon
25.00 NIS
Brad Stone The definitive story of, one of the most successful companies in the world, and of its driven, brilliant founder, Jeff started off delivering books through the...
The Whims of Fortune
25.00 NIS
The Whims of Fortune
25.00 NIS
Guy de Rothschild Preeminent among this generation of Rothschilds, the head of the French Rothschild Bank until its nationalization in 1981, recalls his high-powered, star-studded life as an international businessman...
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