Stories from the Billabong
18.00 NIS
Stories from the Billabong
18.00 NIS
James Vance Marshall and Francis Firebrace In Stories from the Billabong, a renowned author authentically and elegantly retells ten of Australia's ancient aboriginal legends. Here readers discover how Great Mother Snake created...
The Sleeping Beauty
4.00 NIS
Frankenstein Takes the Cake
13.00 NIS
Frankenstein Takes the Cake
13.00 NIS
Adam Rex No one ever said it was easy being a monster. Take Frankenstein, for instance: He just wants to marry his undead bride in peace, but his best man,...
The Babe Ruth Ballet School
15.00 NIS
The Babe Ruth Ballet School
15.00 NIS
Tim Shortt A humorous story of childhood friendship between a dedicated, professional, nine-year-old Issy Archer, and her home-run-hitting buddy Babe describes a lost chapter in baseball lore, about the time...
Eyes on Adventures: Exploring Weather
9.00 NIS
Kathy Wilmore Exploring Great Inventions Set your Eyes on Adventure as you investigate inventions that have taken us to the moon, put us in cyberspace, and given us movies, music...
Freedom Flyers
11.00 NIS
Freedom Flyers
11.00 NIS
Jack Harris
Introduces American warplanes and the units for which they fly, including the F-16 Fighting Falcon, the F-14 Tomcat, the A-10 Warthog, and others
Oasis of Peace
17.00 NIS
Oasis of Peace
17.00 NIS
Laurie Dolphin A photoessay introduces readers to two of Israel's young inhabitants--a Jew and an Arab--who meet in a special school located in a Jewish/Arab community, where they discuss their...
Adam and Eve
8.00 NIS
Adam and Eve
8.00 NIS
Family Time Bible Stories Retells the biblical story of Adam and Eve, who lived happily in a beautiful garden until they disobeyed God June 1, 1999 by Time Life Education...
21.00 NIS
21.00 NIS
Diane Stanley and Peter Vennema Queen of Egypt at the age of eighteen, Cleopatra's passion was to untie the world under Egyptian rule. Legendary leaders risked their kingdoms to win...
You Wouldn't Want to be a Roman Gladiator!
15.00 NIS
John Malam Watch out...As a barbarian fighting against the Romans you are about to be captured, sold as a slave and trained to become a Roman Gladiator. How did they...
Ancient Roman Art: Art in History
19.00 NIS
Ancient Roman Art: Art in History
19.00 NIS
Susie Hodge Explore Roman art across the ages. Learn why the Romans built so many huge arches. This book is packed full of priceless works of art from this great...
Ancient Egyptian Art: Art in History
19.00 NIS
Ancient Egyptian Art: Art in History
19.00 NIS
Susie Hodge Explore Egyptian art across the ages. Learn why ancient Egyptians made mummies and the size of the largest Egyptian statue. This book is packed full of priceless works...
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