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SKU: 9780980221213-01
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Anthony Blake
We are bound to hold beliefs or images of the world and ourselves that exceed available evidence. They will tend be limiting and blinkered but sometimes also heuristic and inspiring. It is probably not a good thing to remain inside any set of beliefs for long, so we might as well exercise our ‘belief muscles’ and see just what we can think of or imagine as possible without bothering over much about what we might approve of in terms of our past conditioning. Hence the idea of a ‘Gymnasium of Beliefs’.The theme of Higher Intelligence can now, in the 21st century, be seen equally as science fiction or mysticism, as a question of technology or of religion, and it is reflected in innumerable realms of discourse, each in its own way. Beliefs about aliens, artificial intelligence, angels, galactic influences, ancient wisdom, and many other things continue to proliferate, often with scant regard to either plausibility or contrary evidence but remain stimulating and challenging.A Gymnasium of Beliefs in Higher Intelligence uses a wide range of beliefs and attitudes to reality as a basis for exploring and enjoying our possibilities as denizens of an evolving universe. It makes no claims to any special perceptions or knowledge and offers no panaceas for our woes. It is a narrative of narratives. The author says, ‘I had to use a lot of words to say something simple because it is beyond belief.’Anthony Blake has a background in physics and educational research and is a lecturer and author of many books including The Supreme Art of Dialogue
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