The Book of Nonsense and Nonsense Songs (Nonsense Books #1)
36.00 NIS
Edward LearThe owls, hen, larks, and their nests in his beard, are among the fey fauna and peculiar persons inhabiting the uniquely inspired nonsense rhymes and drawings of Lear (20th...
The Book of the New Sun Volume 1:The Shadow & Claw(The Book of the New Sun #1-4)
28.00 NIS
Gene WolfeRecently voted the greatest fantasy of all time, after The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit, Gene Wolfe's The Book of the New Sun is an extraordinary epic,...
The Box: Tales from the Darkroom (Autobiografical Trilogy #2)
26.00 NIS
Gunter GrassIn this delightful sequel to Peeling the Onion, Günter Grass writes in the voices of his eight children as they record memories of their childhoods, of growing up, of...
The Boxcar Children (The Boxcar Children #1)
21.00 NIS
Gertrude Chandler WarnerThe Aldens begin their adventure by making a home in a boxcar. Their goal is to stay together, and in the process they find a grandfather.
The Boy Who Owned the School
13.00 NIS
The Boy Who Owned the School
13.00 NIS
Gary Paulsen Jacob Freisten's goal in life is to go about unnoticed. He's perfect at gliding past the jocks' lockers and sneaking into his English class. That was, until now....
The Bridges of Madison County
35.00 NIS
The Bridges of Madison County
35.00 NIS
Author: Robert James Waller There are songs that come free from the blue-eyed grass, from the dust of a thousand country roads. This is one of them.And so begins a...
The Brothers Lionheart
26.00 NIS
The Brothers Lionheart
26.00 NIS
Astrid LindgrenThere's no one Karl Lion loves more than his older brother, Jonathan, who is brave, strong, and handsome - everything Karl believes he is not. Karl never wants to...
The Burning Shore
9.00 NIS
The Burning Shore
9.00 NIS
Wilbur Smith `Centaine screamed and drove the point of her stave down into the jaws with all her strength. She felt the sharpened end bite into the soft pink mucous...
The Call of Cthulhu and Other Stories
26.00 NIS
The Call of Cthulhu and Other Stories
26.00 NIS
HP Lovecraft H.P. Lovecraft marries creeping horror and colossal fantasy in his gothic tales. These brilliant narratives show humanity confronted with ineffable creatures and grim geographies, as individuals lift the...
The Call of the Wild
26.00 NIS
The Call of the Wild
26.00 NIS
Jack London First published in 1903, The Call of the Wild is regarded as Jack London's masterpiece. Based on London's experiences as a gold prospector in the Canadian wilderness and his ideas...
The Canterbury Tales: A Selection
17.00 NIS
The Canterbury Tales: A Selection
17.00 NIS
Geoffrey ChaucerLively, absorbing, often outrageously funny, Chaucer's "The Canterbury Tales" is a work of genius, an undisputed classic that has held a special appeal for each generation of readers. "The...
The Captain Contest (Soccer Cats #1)
11.00 NIS
The Captain Contest (Soccer Cats #1)
11.00 NIS
Author: Matt Christopher Dewey loves to draw and wants to enter the soccer team logo contest, but he does not want to win the grand prize--being team captain, in the...
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