A Beautiful Mind: The Life of Mathematical Genius and Nobel Laureate John Nash
30.00 NIS
Sylvia Nasar The biography of John Forbes Nash, Jr. and his fight with mental illness. Many photographs of the man throughout his life. Russell Crowe (pictured on the cover) portrayed...
A Conspiracy of Paper (Benjamin Weaver #1)
25.00 NIS
David Liss Benjamin Weaver, a Jew and an ex-boxer, is an outsider in eighteenth-century London, tracking down debtors and felons for aristocratic clients. The son of a wealthy stock trader,...
A Mad World, My Masters: Tales from a Traveller's Life
28.00 NIS
John Simpson There are only a handful of places left on this earth where you can't buy a McDonald's hamburger or stay in a Holiday Inn - and John Simpson...
A World of Winnie-the-Pooh
32.00 NIS
A World of Winnie-the-Pooh
32.00 NIS
Author: AA Milne EH ShepardA World of Winnie-the-Pooh: A collection of stories, verse and hums about the Bear of Very Little BrainA World of Winnie-the-Pooh brings together a specially selected...
Actual Innocence
17.00 NIS
Actual Innocence
17.00 NIS
Barry Siegel California lawyer Greg Monarch was in no mood for visitors. But it's not every day a federal judge comes knocking at his door, especially with a curious to...
Adventures in Ancient Egypt
22.00 NIS
Adventures in Ancient Egypt
22.00 NIS
Linda Bailey and Bill Slavin The intrepid Blinkerton children grapple with many adventures when they travel back in time to Ancient Egypt. Their guide book from the Good Times Travel...
Albert Einstein and His Inflatable Universe
28.00 NIS
Dr Mike Goldsmith Albert Einstein is the genius who invented e=mc². He is possibly the brainiest scientist in history—and the battiest! But did you know that Al's life was almost...
All Bones ad Lies
26.00 NIS
All Bones ad Lies
26.00 NIS
Anne Fine Colin is in many ways an ideal citizen, holding down a responsible job, taking care of his elderly mother, and trying to keep his family together. But no...
America (Jake Grafton #9)
20.00 NIS
America (Jake Grafton #9)
20.00 NIS
Stephen Coonts Dispatched on a trial run, NASA's SuperAegis satellite has been created as the foundation of an international antimissle defense system. But moments after dispatch, it vanishes. Rear Admiral...
American Tablet (Underworld USA #1)
21.00 NIS
American Tablet (Underworld USA #1)
21.00 NIS
James Ellroy We are behind, and below, the scenes of JFK's presidential election, the Bay of Pigs, the assassination—in the underworld that connects Miami, Los Angeles, Chicago, D.C....Where the CIA,...
An A to Z of DNA Science: What Scientists Mean When They Talk about Genes and Genomes
25.00 NIS
Jeffre L Witherly Galen P Perry Darryl L Leja Medical science constantly demands our attention, as patients or relatives, concerned citizens, voters, investors, or simply curious individuals. But for those...
An Offer from a Gentleman (Bridgertons #3)
24.00 NIS
Author: Julia Quinn Will she accept the offer before the clock strikes midnight? Sophie Beckett never dreamed she'd be able to sneak into Lady Bridgerton's famed masquerade ball. Though the...
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