A Brief History of Time: From the Big Bang to Black Holes
35.00 NIS
Stephen W Hawking Stephen Hawking, one of the most brilliant theoretical physicists in history, wrote the modern classic A Brief History of Time to help non-scientists understand fundamental questions of physics and...
A Client Called Noah
18.00 NIS
A Client Called Noah
18.00 NIS
Josh Greenfeld Noah's family must cope with his transition to adulthood and the fact that he will mature in body only. Noah's inability to communicate and his tantrums and physical...
A History of the Jews
25.00 NIS
A History of the Jews
25.00 NIS
Paul Johnson This historical magnum opus covers 4,000 years of the extraordinary history of the Jews as a people, a culture, and a nation, showing the impact of Jewish character...
A History of the Jews
30.00 NIS
A History of the Jews
30.00 NIS
Paul Johnson This historical magnum opus covers 4,000 years of the extraordinary history of the Jews as a people, a culture, and a nation, showing the impact of Jewish character...
Above the Bottom Line
32.00 NIS
Above the Bottom Line
32.00 NIS
Hanoch TellerStories of integrity which heighten our awareness of G-d's aversion to deception and teach us to rise above expediency.Published 1988 by Feldheim Publishers
An Underground Fate: The Idiom of Romance in the Later Novels of Graham Greene
32.00 NIS
Brian Thomas Explore Graham Greene's later novels and their underlying theme of romance with "An Underground Fate" by Brian Thomas. Gain insight into the acclaimed author's use of idioms to...
Anne Frank Remembered
31.00 NIS
Anne Frank Remembered
31.00 NIS
Miep Gies The reminiscences of Miep Gies, the woman who hid the Frank family in Amsterdam during the Second World War, presents a vivid story of life under Nazi occupation....
Aveline Kushi's Complete Guide to Macrobiotic Cooking: For Health, Harmony, and Peace
19.00 NIS
Aveline Kushi with Alex Jack "Food is the chief of all things, the universal medicine. . . . Food transmutes directly into body, mind, and spirit . . . creates...
Baby Donald's Busy Play Group
14.00 NIS
Baby Donald's Busy Play Group
14.00 NIS
Disney BabiesBaby Donald Duck is afraid of going to play group until he finds he can do many fun things with his new friends.First published August 1, 1988
Being a Green Mother (Incarnations of Immortality #5)
14.00 NIS
Piers Anthony Orb plays magic in her harp, but seeks Llano, the song that controls Life. Natasha is handsome, charming, teaches her more spell tunes, but is he Satan? Her...
Changes for Samantha, A Winter Story, 1904, Book Six, American Girl Collection
14.00 NIS
Changes for Samantha, A Winter Story, 1904, Book Six (6), American Girl Collection(American Girl: Samantha #6) by Valerie TrippSixth in a series of six historical fiction books filled with lessons...
Child Sexual Abuse Within the Family: Assessment and Treatment
30.00 NIS
May 1, 1988 by John Wright
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