Your Online English Bookstore in Israel

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1000 Questions and Answers

11.00 NIS

Treasure PressPublisher:Treasure Press, London, 1986

A Certain People: American Jews and Their Lives Today

22.00 NIS

Charles E Silberman Examines the American Jewish community and argues that American society is open to Jews as never before and they are not threatened by anti-Semitism or assimilation, but...

A Malady of Magicks (The Ebenezum Trilogy #1)

11.00 NIS

Craig Shaw Gardner When the wizard-killing demon Guxx Unfufadoo fails at ridding the Netherhells of the great Ebenezum, he instead curses the wizard, making Ebenezum allergic to magic. Ebenezum and...

A Multitude of Monsters (The Ebenezum Trilogy #2)

14.00 NIS

Craig Shaw Gardner "A fun romp. The field needs more humorists of this caliber." (Robert Asprin)While seeking a cure for his malady of magicks, the suffering sorcerer Ebenezum and his...
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A Room with a View / Howards End

15.00 NIS

EM Forster Wit and intelligence are the hallmarks of these two probing portraits of the English character written by E.M. Forster. Both are stories of extreme contrasts--in values, social class...

A Voice for Princess (Kedrigern #1)

21.00 NIS

John Morressy   If only I could find the right spell! At 160 years old Kedrigern is a relatively young, bachelor wizard of some reputation. He is a master magician,...

Abandonment of the Jews: America and the Holocaust 1941 - 1945

24.00 NIS

David S Wyman A monumental and damning analysis of America's failure to aid European Jews during World War II. Introduction by Elie Wiesel. January 12, 1986 by Pantheon
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Archaeological History of the Ancient Middle East

20.00 NIS

Jack Finegan The purpose of this book is to give a connected account of what happened in the ancient Middle East, primarily on the basis of the records and monuments...
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Back to the Sources: Reading the Classic Jewish Texts

22.00 NIS

Author: Barry W Holtz Edited by Barry W Holtz Essays analyze the major traditional texts of Judaism from literary, historical, philosophical, and religious points of view. January 2, 1986 by...


22.00 NIS

Judy Blume Blubber is a good name for her , the note from Wendy says about Linda. Jill crumples it up and leaves it on the corner of her desk....
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Day After Night

25.00 NIS

Author: Anita Diamant Everything You Need to Know to Make Your Own Jewish Wedding "There is no such thing as a generic Jewish wedding," writes Anita Diamant, "no matter what...
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