Red Rabbit (Jack Ryan #2)
29.00 NIS
Red Rabbit (Jack Ryan #2)
29.00 NIS
Author: Tom Clancy Long before he was President or head of the CIA, before he fought terrorist attacks on the Super Bowl or the White House, even before a submarine...
Without Remorse (Jack Ryan Universe #1)
25.00 NIS
Without Remorse (Jack Ryan Universe #1)
25.00 NIS
Author: Tom Clancy John Kelly, former Navy SEAL and Vietnam veteran, is still getting over the accidental death of his wife six months before, when he befriends a young woman...
State of Siege (Tom Clancy's Op-Center #6)
14.00 NIS
Author: Tom Clancy Driven by greed, a group of U.N. peacekeeping soldiers becomes involved in activities on the wrong side of the law. When their tour of duty ends, the...
Rainbow Six (John Clark #2)
29.00 NIS
Rainbow Six (John Clark #2)
29.00 NIS
Author: Tom Clancy or many readers, Jack Ryan embodies the essence of the modern American hero. Morally centered, disciplined, humble yet powerful, Ryan (and his onscreen incarnations in Alec Baldwin...
Op-Center (Tom Clancy's Op-Center #1)
17.00 NIS
Op-Center (Tom Clancy's Op-Center #1)
17.00 NIS
Author: Tom Clancy Tom Clancy's Op-Center is the beating heart of America's defense, intelligence and crisis management technology. It is run by a crack team of operatives both within its...
SSN: A Strategy Guide to Submarine Warfare
9.00 NIS
Author: Tom Clancy The "forgotten Clancy novel," SSN is a complete submarine warfare novel with maps, photos, and a special interview with Tom Clancy and former submarine commander Doug LittlejohnsFirst...
Acts of War (Tom Clancy's Op-Center #4)
13.00 NIS
Acts of War (Tom Clancy's Op-Center #4)
13.00 NIS
Author: Tom Clancy Tom Clancy and Steve Pieczenik are About to Declare War on the Competition. . . .THE OBJECTIVE:A fourth consecutive New York Times bestseller for Tom Clancy's Op-CenterTHE...
Line of Control (Tom Clancy's Op-Center #8)
19.00 NIS
Author: Tom Clancy It's a mission that only Striker - the military arm of Op-Center - can handle: capture an Islamic cleric who is stirring up a rebellion against the...
Politika (Tom Clancy's Power Plays #1)
26.00 NIS
Politika (Tom Clancy's Power Plays #1)
26.00 NIS
Author: Tom Clancy It is 1999. The sudden death of Russia's president has thrown the Russian Federation into chaos. Devastating crop failures have left millions in the grip of famine,...
Locked On (Jack Ryan, Jr. #3)
32.00 NIS
Locked On (Jack Ryan, Jr. #3)
32.00 NIS
Author: Tom Clancy Master of explosive international intrigue Tom Clancy brings together his greatest characters and a new generation to fight the war on terror.Although his father had been reluctant...
Debt of Honor (Jack Ryan #7)
31.00 NIS
Debt of Honor (Jack Ryan #7)
31.00 NIS
Author: Tom Clancy Razio Yamata is one of Japan's most influential industrialists, and part of a relatively small group of authority who wield tremendous authority in the Pacific Rim's economic...
Against All Enemies
31.00 NIS
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